Yogesh the Martyr
Hey, Yogesh! Remember me? You told me if I tried to email you again, you would take it as a form of harassment. So, you know I’m not going to email you. Nope. Instead I’m just going to write some thoughts in an open letter. Maybe you’ll see them. Maybe you won’t. It doesn’t really matter because it likely won’t change your mind as it’s clear nothing will at this point. So why write this? Well, because you won’t shut up and you keep telling the same lies over and over again and distorting the truth and twisting facts. And while there are people out there who just believe all your drivel, maybe some folks would like to hear a different perspective. So, I thought, “Hey, I had a front row seat to a lot of things. Let’s let it all out.” Oh, and as you can see, I launched my blog this week. It’s an homage to your blog as you can tell, and it’s all about you because it’s clear you like being the center of attention. Indeed, the whole world should pay attention to Yo...